Integral Calculator


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Introduction to the Integral Calculator:

The Online Integration Calculator is an advanced online tool that helps solve definite and indefinite integrals. The calculator provides accurate and precise solutions to various integration problems. Whether you need to find the area under a curve, calculate the antiderivative of a function, or solve complex integration problems, the antiderivative calculator can assist you in all these situations. It is a valuable resource for students, professionals, and researchers who perform integrations quickly and accurately.
The integral solver is an advanced calculator that executes problems with step-by-step instructions. You can use this calculator to gain many advantages in your daily life. It evaluates the integral function in just a fraction of a second. This definite integral calculator helps to calculate the area under the curve of the given region. The purpose of this integration calculator is to relieve stress. This calculator helps its users find the exact solution quickly.

What is an Online Integral Calculator with Steps?

The word integral is used in integration to select several functions. The integral is a function whose derivative is its function. Find the areas of any two-dimensional function of the volumes. So, that means finding the integrals of any function along the y-axis is just a means to find the area of the y-axis. It just calculates the integral to provide you with the results very accurately. By using this integration calculator online, you will get more accurate results in a very short time. It assigns a number to a function generally known as an integral.

Mathematically, the integral is denoted by;
"∫" This sign represents the integral part of the integration.

The Formula used by the best Integral Solver:

The formula for an integral is as follows:

$$ \int f(x) \, dx \, = \, f(x) \, + \, c $$

∫ It represents the integral.
f (x), which is the Integral function.
c is the Integration constant.

Now you have to look at how the online integration calculator with steps uses this integral formula to solve the integration. The formula used for definite integrals is;

$$ \int_a^b f(x) \, dx \, = \, |f(x)|_a^b \, = \, f(b) \, - \, f(a) $$

dx is the differential concerning the x' variable.
f(x) represents the integrand.
Where the points 'a' and 'b' represent the limits of integration.

How do I evaluate the Integration?

How to solve integrals could be of interest to you. It may be difficult for those who are still learning integrals. But do not fret. We will use this integration solver to make the computations easier to understand and see the examples. To further understand the process for calculating a definite integral, we shall look at the example.

Solved Examples of Antiderivative Calculator


Evaluates the integral function:

$$ \int_1^5 x^3 \, dx $$


$$ \text{Let's consider the question:} $$ $$ I \, = \int_1^5 x^3 dx $$ $$ \text{1 and 5 are the limits of integration} $$ $$ I \, = \, \biggr|\frac{x^4}{4}\biggr|_1^5 $$ $$ I \, = \, \frac{{(5)}^4}{4} \, - \, \frac{{(1)}^4}{4} $$ $$ I \, = \, \frac{625}{4} \, - \, \frac{1}{4} $$ $$ I \, = \, \frac{624}{4} $$ $$ \text{The required answer is given below;} $$ $$ I \, = \, 156 $$


Evaluates the integral function:

$$ \int (5x^2 \, + \, 1) \, dx $$


$$ \text{Let's consider the question:} $$ $$ I \, = \, \int (5x^2 \, + \, 1)dx $$ $$ I \, = \, 5\biggr(\frac{x^3}{3}\biggr) \, + \, x \, + \, c $$ $$ \text{The required answer is shown below;} $$ $$ I \, = \, \frac{5x^3}{3} \, + \, x \, + \, c $$

How Does the Integral Calculator Work?

Finding the area under a curve is how integration is defined. Both definite and indefinite integrals fall within the category of integrals. The many approaches to integrating a function are listed below:

  • The provided function may be divided into the sum and difference of smaller functions whose integral value is known. The provided function may be algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, or a mix of the three.
  • A distinct variable is used in place of the variable of integration. The procedure for solving the integral is made easier as a result. This is the rule of integration by substitution.
  • Let's say the shape of our integrand's expression is an incorrect rational function. Our integral solver may be changed into a suitable rational function using the idea of partial fractions. Finally, we may incorporate information to arrive at our conclusion.
  • The other method is integration by parts. This method is used where two functions are multiplied with each other.

How to use the Online Antiderivative Calculator with Steps?

Calculus is a challenging mathematics study because of its intricate concepts and techniques. Integration is difficult to fix and has many mistakes. This online definite integral calculator aids users in obtaining accurate answers for integration operations. The various online calculators produce trustworthy, error-free outputs quickly. Utilizing an integral calculator is crucial since it makes integral computations simpler. With the aid of these calculators, users may solve difficulties with the integration of all lengths and complexity with precision. The many online calculators deliver the most accurate, trustworthy, and quick results.

  • The integration solver with steps requires the integrand function as its initial input before it may evaluate integrals.
  • There are three variables (x, y, and z) in this online calculator. You can choose the variable of your choosing based on how you choose to assess the integral incrementally.
  • You can decide whether you want to compute a definite integral or an indefinite integral.
  • After performing the above steps, press the "Calculate" button to find the accurate solution.

How do I find the best integration calculator?

  • Open your Google browser and enter the keywords there.
  • After a few seconds, Google gives you a suggestion with various websites.
  • Choose the website there and enter your question in the question bar.
  • After a few seconds, this calculator website gives you a step-by-step solution.

Why should you use the Integral Solver with us?

You should use it primarily with us because it offers the most user-friendly features. It provides precise, integral findings in a short time. It offers real solutions. It provides detailed directions for resolving integral difficulties. And it's simple to comprehend the outcomes. It provides faster and more accurate solutions. The results are reliable. The complex definite integration calculator shows an excellent way for students and users to do their assignments on exact dates and times. Using this calculator, you can easily calculate the integral volume and line integration.

Katherine Marshal

Katherine Marshal

Published on:

Katherine Marshal

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which formula is used for an indefinite integral?

The formula for calculating the integral of the function is:

$$ \int f(x) \, dx \, = \, f(x) \, + \, c $$

In this formula;
f (x) is the integral function.
c is an integration constant.

What is the reason to select this Integral Function Calculator?

The major reason to choose this online calculator is that it gives the best and easiest methods to use. It gives you accurate results for integrals within a short interval of time. It gives you reliable solutions.

What is the integral of the exponential function e^x?

The integral of the exponential function e^x is e^x +c. Where c represents the integration constant. Mathematically, it is represented as;

$$ e^x \, dx \, = \, \int e^x \, + \, c $$